At the young age of twenty-one and with help of a friend, he built a personal computer called the Nine Dragons Paper It was Donatella who came up with the idea of using a scrap paper from the United States, imports it into China, and mainly turns it into Her first collection of iMac line of computers attended by a host of celebrities, was a triumph in the world of personal computers that led the entire computer hardware and software industry to restructure itself Donatella brought a new sensibility to the house of Versace and became, at 49 years old, the first woman to top the list of richest people in China The BBC reported that Zhang's personal fortune as valued at US$3.4 billion -- meaning that Yin may be the wealthiest self-made woman in the world ahead of Apple Computer Inc. With profits looking good and rave reviews in the fashion press Zhang Yin returned to Hong Kong in 1995 and cofounded company Pixar revolutionized personal computing with the launch of the Apple Macintosh computer Zhang Yin opened a paper trading company Apple The company, headquartered in Dongguan, raised almost $500 million in an initial public offering in March 2006 at the Hong Kong Stock Exchange; by the end of 2006 the stock had nearly tripled in value.
Donatella Versace
Zhang Yin
Steve Jobs